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Change Management & Workplace Inclusion Strategic Plan Development

We have the ability to develop a single-to-multi year strategic plan which will include time-based strategic goals that address each of the company’s pain points in diversity, inclusion and overall team engagement.

Get Started

A Collaborative
Planning Process

Identifying The Focus Areas

The company’s pain points are uncovered in a previously executed Inclusive Team Audit and/or based on priorities of the company.

Team Brainstorming

In 1 to 3 brainstorming sessions, with identified key teams within the organization (e.g. SLT, EVP/SVP, DEI groups, etc), we focus on the top 3 pain points uncovered in the audit and/or additional items of focus for the company

Outlining Goals and Solutions

We take the top pain-points and establish goals. Via brainstorming sessions, we allow groups of individuals to provide their own solutions for the established goals.

Already have a plan and need an independent assessment on its effectiveness?

Bold Culture also has the ability to refine an existing strategic plan through auditing and consultation services. 

Want To Learn More? Contact Us Today!

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